It was a little while ago, but I had the chance to catch up with Mr. Niiho after a long time. From our very first meeting, I felt that we shared a similar mindset, outlook, and perhaps, if I may say so, a similar philosophy. Although we rarely get to meet, he came by with Mr. Kikuza to buy some sweatshirts. We’re close in age, and while we didn’t exchange many words, I believe we could connect on things like how to keep moving forward in our work. Words carry energy and weight—they hit you straight in the chest and settle deeply, like a warrior’s tremble. Shimpo taught me that having a steady heart feels like that. Thank you, Mr. Niiho. We will definitey order from Sakaeya! If you’re interested, I highly recommend it… Meat prepared with such heart is truly exceptional!
by Satoshi Suzuki